Soliger wiped tears from his face with the back of his hand and stood, batting the sand from his slacks. The fingers of his left hand rubbed absently at the butterfly charm attached to a silver necklace that he kept wrapped around his right wrist as he walked back through town. This was his morning ritual since she had gone missing. It had been two weeks now. Two weeks without a single lead or break in the case. Every morning he promised her, through stinging tears, that he would find her and the men that took her. ​
"Soliger" is the story of a lawman in a remote town on a remote planet looking for missing children. One of those missing is his own daughter, Hope. Soliger searches for the missing unaware that the evil that took his little girl may just be right under his nose.
"Soliger" is a short film that is planned to become something greater. Whether that something is more shorts or a feature, the Soliger universe will continue.
Let us know what you think of "Soliger" by sending us an email or finding us on Facebook. We'd love to hear from you!
"SOLIGER" (short film)
R.A. Miller and Teresa Miller
Nick Mroz
Mitch Hoak, Ava Front, Brooke Hoak, Tyler Owenby, Moriah Ruth, Marival Parish, Russell Lincoln
R.A. Miller
from a story by R.A. Miller

Soliger is a lawman, protector of the deadend town of Requiem and part-time bounty hunter. A man of few words, his biggest joy in life is seeing Hope smile. He comes from the big city but has spent the past 7 years raising his daughter Hope in the isolation of Requiem.

Hope is a 10-year-old girl with a secret that will shake up the entire universe. She is the daughter of Soliger and has been kidnapped by Prophet. Soliger moved her to Requiem 7 years ago. He has never told her why.
Hope is everything
Dio is ex-military, being a former sniper. He's usually happy and is quite vocal, mostly because Soliger is not. He runs a small apple stand at the edge of town in between his work as Requiem's youngest lawman. Loyal to Soliger, he will do anything to find Hope.

Fin Jakobs
Fin Jakobs is a systems analyst from Hollow City and secret informant for Soliger. Fin met the lawman years ago when Soliger was in the city. He has found vital information that could lead Soliger to finding Hope and has traveled to Requiem meet with the lawman.